Got questions? We can answer them!


  1. What is Glean?
    Glean is a free personalized app that learns what you love to help you discover the best news, apps and events without having to search for them.

  2. What can I expect to find on Glean?
    Glean learns about your interests and scours the web to deliver personalized news, apps and events that matter to you.

Getting Started:

  1. How do I get the app?
    You can download Glean for free from Google Play or the App Store.

  2. Which devices does Glean work on?
    Glean works on any iOS 7 or Android 4.0 or above supported device.

  3. How do I create an account?
    Start by selecting topics from our extensive list of suggestions to help us learn about your specific interests. Enter your email address, create a password and see what you can discover.

  4. How do I follow topics on Glean?
    You can subscribe to topics on Glean in a number of ways:

    • When creating your account choose from Glean’s comprehensive list of suggestions
    • Select one of your personalized Glean Recommended topics from the Topics feed
    • Search for a specific interest using the magnifying glass. Be sure to tap the checkmark to subscribe.
    • Keep up to date on the latest stories by subscribing to a Trending Topic under the Trending Feed

    You can remove any topic by tapping the minus sign on the far left.

Using Glean:

  1. How do I favorite articles I like?
    To favorite an article simply tap the star icon at the top of your screen.

  2. How do I view my favorited articles?
    Select the drop down menu from the upper left corner of the screen and tap the “Favorites” option, or select the “Favorites” heading located to the left of the Trending section.

  3. How do I use collections to save and organize my best finds?
    To collect any of your interesting finds tap the plus sign. You can add it to a pre-loaded collection or create a new one. Tap “collect” to complete.

  4. How do I share a great find with my friends?
    When you’re viewing an individual item you can tap on the “Share” icon to share article, apps or events with your friends and family.

  5. What does the related button do?
    The Related button displays a list of other articles we think you’ll enjoy based on the article you have selected. This way you can start from one cool, interesting item and find your way to other similar items.

Have a question we haven’t already answered? Send an email to info@delvv.com